Saturday, March 17, 2007

The Racist Queen is Back!

While browsing the web to get latest episode of Western's main stream media about the Superhero of terror- Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the news title 'Pauline Hanson Muslim Warning' by Herald Sun Australia really catch my attention. This Queen of racist, once has make very provocative statement about Muslim sometimes ago. Her racist statements has affects Muslims as well others not only in Australia but spread out in most Asian countries.
Her recent statement that urged Australian politicians to concider put a stop on Muslims immigrants to Australia may be seen as another political rethorics. Argued that Muslims have totally opposite way of life to Australian way, comprehend to me that she has very narrow minded and very ethnocentric towards Muslim. Most of her arguments in the news are very prejudice and poor of knowledge about Islam. While Australian government is working very hard to support these immigrants to be in Australia mainstream, it is sad to have person like Pauline. Her attitude not only potentially wider the gap between both culture, furthermore might burned the bridge that Muslim leaders and the Australian government build recently. As non-Australian, I feel she not belongs to Australia culture that promotes multiculturalism. Lets life up the Australia Harmony Day on coming 21st. March and tell her our role is not to run away from tensions but to manage and build up better understanding. We need wisdom and passion to build multiculturalism but NOT RACISM.

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